Let's face it. The world is not longer as big as it was 50 years ago, and it's people are not as distant either. We are no longer at the mercy of an expensive trip or expensive long distance phone calls in order to communicate with people from around the world. We are no longer bound by slow mail when we communicate. An email can now travel from Japan to New York City in a second. A group of business people in South Florida can communicate with a group of business people in South America via a live video chat. A service provider in San Francisco, California can provide his services to any of the other 244 places named San Francisco around the world, without ever having to change out of his pajamas. A fashion designer in Milan, Italy can now fit and dress a model in Milan, Turkey without boarding a plane or ship to get there. The world is closer than ever before. This is why it is important that we welcome language diversity into our professional spaces.
Did you know that research has shown that bilingualism is not only favorable, it is quickly becoming crucial in business? Bilingualism, and even multilingualism is now the norm in most of the world's top companies and organizations. I mean, from the world's top 10 companies to your state's 10 strongest churches, catering to more than one language proves to be one of their strongest growth strategies.
In 2014, England began writing legislation that would encourage bilingualism in the workplace, in public places and even in the government. Many other English-speaking countries are sure to follow suit. In the United States, there are numerous states that have increased funding for dual immersion programs, as well as other classes and foreign language based programs.
With England jumping in head first for 2014, I believe other English-speaking countries will follow suit. Certain states in the US have already begun to increase funding for dual immersion programs and other language-focused programs and classes. South American countries have long taught foreign languages in their schools, many of them making it mandatory for college students to learn a second language (most often English, German or French) in order to graduate.
If we are going to open your organization or business to an international, global expansion, we must become as integrated as the world has become. Not speaking the tongue of the land limits the opportunities one can take advantage of in other countries. As we look to integrate, connect markets, outsource services and tasks, expand our territory while minimizing costs, and look for locations that are clearly more opportunistic, we must adapt to the language demands of those new territories. As leaders, we will need people who not only speak other languages, but who can connect with people of other cultures in a more intimate manner. Let's face it, many deals have been lost due to a lack of personal connection between the people involved.
The bilingual and bicultural marketplace will thrive, while the old school, closed door mindset of those who do not adapt will surely be costly. Being bilingual, and even bicultural will soon be prerequisites for top positions in organizations that want to remain competitive in an ever shrinking world.
While many will tell you that diversity is the answer, that is not always a fool proof strategy. After all, have you ever met a person who clearly has a foreign background (either by birth or by heritage) who does not speak the language of that foreign background? In my own Hispanic family, there are some members who simply do not speak Spanish. One of my closest friends, who is clearly of Asian descent, and whose grandparents came to America speaking nothing but Chinese, speaks fluent Spanish (he grew up in a very Hispanic neighborhood), but doesn't speak any Chinese. I have a business connection who was born in Japan, but who came to the US as a child who does not speak any Japanese. My friend Abner who is a fourth generation American from Idaho speaks fluent German and Japanese. My French client, of French parents, who is married to a French woman, doesn't speak any French. The list goes on and on. Diversity in the workplace is much more than racial, ethnic or skin deep.
Diversity is a buzzword today mainstream media, in business, and in society in general. It is a big deal because of the various benefits it brings into the workplace. When people who speak multiple languages and who come from diverse backgrounds come together, they can open up doors to many new opportunities that one may have missed if one was not open to the beauty of diversity. But with diversity, especially international diversity, and with a global marketplace action plan comes the very real need to find people who are bilingual and fluent in a foreign language.
In my years in business, I have found my language skills very useful. I am fluent in Spanish and English and learned them both simultaneously as a child. I am also fluent in Italian and speak a bit of French, Portuguese and Greek. I'm not saying this to pat myself in the back or elevate myself above others. I am saying this because I have first hand proof that being able to communicate in several languages has its advantages. I've been able to close deals that others could not close simply because I could communicate with the people on the other side of the negotiation table in a more intimate, personal manner. I've also been able to de-escalate some rather touchy situations by communicating with the opponent in a way that connects us rather than separates us.
The high value of bilingualism in business today will push human resource managers and recruiters to purposely recruit bilingual candidates for their workforce. Language is one of those human characteristics that connect people at a deeper level. Therefore, a bilingual person will often have an advantage over a monolingual person during the interview process; at least for positions that require them to communicate with a diverse population.
We cannot make the blanket statement that bilinguals are automatically more valuable than monolinguals. But we can make an argument that an organization that has the capability to communicate effectively in multiple languages will have clear advantages over an organization that can only communicate in a single language. We can also say that it is more likely for a bilingual or multilingual person to connect with people who prefer to communicate with someone who speaks their language. Someone who speaks two languages is probably more culturally aware than someone who only speaks one.
Imagine being at a fancy dinner with an important client and your competitor shows up. He sits on the table next to yours and says hello. He introduces himself to your client and strikes up a conversation. At that time, the menu comes out and it is all in French. Your competitor struggles to read it and you chime in with perfect French. You speak to the waiter, who speaks back, and you two laugh as if you are old buddies. Your competitor has no idea what you've said. Would you agree your client now sees you in a much better light? This is the power of bilingualism.
George L. Rosario is a Brooklyn NY born & raised businessman & entrepreneur turned consultant. He started GC Rosario Group with his lovely wife Claudia. With over 30 years of service to the marketplace in NYC, George has relocated and been graciously adopted by the business community of South Florida. He now travels the country helping businesses and organizations thrive in today’s noisy environment. The post-Covid era forced many to close their doors, but also opened new doors of opportunity, growth and prosperity for innovative thinkers. George & Claudia Rosario help companies, businesses, organizations and teams develop the necessary skillset and plan of action to not just survive, but thrive in this new world. GC Rosario Group helps both secular and Christian based institutions meet their goals.
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