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Showing posts with the label Begin

8 Tips To Jump-Start Your Success

  These 8 things can make you or break you. WORDS ARE POWERFUL; USE THEM WISELY Have you ever said anything that you wish you could take back? Hey, perhaps you have a perfect record when speaking. I know I don’t. I haven’t always been as careful, as considerate or as mature as I am today. Not that I don’t make mistakes still, but I certainly don’t put my foot in my mouth as often and I did when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. T h e words we say carry a lot of weight on them. This is especially true in the professional world. As a leader, or someone striving to become one, the words you say today can have an impact on your journey for years to come. In today’s super public, social media driven, cell phone camera ready society, saying anything in an irresponsible manner can come back to haunt you. Just ask any politician running for office. They will have their entire lives put on display for everyone to judge. Some have discovered that even their high school faux pas aren’t safe f

In The Beginning...

  In The Beginning…  What is your “ in the beginning ” story? Εν αρχή ήταν ο Λόγος, και ο Λόγος ήταν με τον Θεό, και ο Λόγος ήταν Θεός. -Ιωάννης 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. -John 1:1 Στην αρχή ο Θεός δημιούργησε τους ουρανούς και τη γη. -Γένεση 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. -Genesis 1:1 Ήταν στην αρχή μ ε  τον Θεό. -Ιωάννης 1:2 He was in the beginning with God. -John 1:2 NKJV Εσύ, Κύριε, στην αρχή έθεσες τα θεμέλια της γης, Και οι ουρανοί είναι έργο των χεριών σου. -Εβραίους 1:10 You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of Your hands. -Hebrews 1:10 The beginning of all things under the sun matters. This is why companies and organizations  share their history  with others, because how they started, why they started and who was there when they started matters. A  connection  to the beginning will often lead to a valuable, tangible and very real (authenti