Did you hear about the YouTube video that was viewed 68,000,000 times and therefore earned it’s creator thousands of dollars she would have never earned otherwise? Did you hear that there are celebrities who charge upwards of $1,000,000 to give you a “shout out” post on their social media? Did you hear about folks who made millions purchasing domain names on GoDaddy and then selling them to people who were desperate for those names? Did you hear about teenagers who have made six figures and even millions selling items online that he purchased at the dollar store, without ever storing any of these items in a warehouse or storage facility himself?
What do these examples of wins have in common. At face value, probably very little. But when we did our research, we found there are actually numerous similarities between each one of these examples. All have to do with supply and demand. All have to do with marketing. All have to do with branding. All have to do with building a sense of urgency. All have to do with delivering goods or services in a manner that presents value to the customer. All have to do with individuals who found a niche and capitalized on it.
At GC Rosario Group, our consultants focus on the study of trends, niches, keywords, algorithms, local news, national news, company valuations, presentation, branding, leadership, urgency, supply chains, trades, markets, marketplaces, customer behavior, shopping triggers, power words, etc. If you are in business, or if you are in a social arena that needs relies on engagement, this blog is probably one of the most important ones you’ll ever read.
Intelligent, calculated, methodical writing and advertising that follows a system or formula that’s been proven to be successful quickly trumps random, hit or miss, careless, chaotic noise. Did you pick up on what I did there? Let me make it a little clearer. I included the word trump in that sentence, which is still a word that is trending in search engines. Let’s face it, if you live in the United States, you either love or hate #45 President Donald J. Trump. Our research shows that if we include the word trump in a blog or online publication, it will make it’s way up to the top of most search engines. The case can be made that we do not have to be pro-Trump or anti-Trump to capitalize on how the internet reads the information.
What you may have missed are strong SEO (search engine optimization) words like “pro”, “anti”, “information”, “online”, “President”, “hit”, “miss”, “blog”, “research”, “case”, “chaotic”, “noise”, and others have just placed us in multiple categories across many different platforms and topics driven by different keyword searches. This will spread us across multiple demographics, spanning across markets that affect rich people, poor people, middle class people, religious people, those who do not follow religion, researchers, shoppers, sellers, business owners, entrepreneurs, politicians, news personalities, bloggers, vloggers, YouTubers, and more.
In case you missed it, we did it again just to prove a point. We slipped meaningless searchable words and groups onto a sentence to bump the probability that this blog post would make it to a wider range of audience. We can devise a plan on how to implement this strategy in your own business over a complimentary 30 minute consultation.
Business consultants employ experts who study the science & psychology of what attracts clicks, and what is often ignored. It is what helps them separate that which brings forth fruit and that which falls by the waste side of today’s seed planting social media content. They then run the numbers, study the information, measure social impact and effectiveness, compose detailed action plans, and launch project management processes to stretch their clients’ marketing & advertising dollars further.
Part of this process includes the use of external links, highlighting and spreading phrases out evenly, managing the money that will be placed behind a publication of any kind, and find ways to match the internet content to print ads, press releases, word of mouth outreach, etc. Many have tried to master this and come up looking like amateurs in the face of their clients. That’s the easiest way to lose your customer’s trust.
The great and most trusted consulting firms surround themselves with people who are true champions in collecting data pertaining to YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Web, Google, Gmail, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Yahoo, Twitter, Ebay, Canva, Outlook, Twitch, Pinterest, TikTok, Craigslist, Zoom, Apple (iPhone & Mac), Samsung (Galaxy), Android, AI (artificial intelligence), Photoshop, Office, Politics, Sports, TV, Streaming, Gaming, Shopping, etc. topics, platforms and trends. They translate the information and then they devise strategic plan to use this info to reach more people across more groups & social circles. GREAT consultants also study email marketing, drip campaigns, call to action ads, Google ads, etc.
At GC Rosario Group, we’ve decided to put our results where our mouth is. What do we mean? We have started a brand new LinkedIn account. It is December 13, 2021, just before Christmas and the Holidays. We have zero followers and are currently following zero people. This is a virgin account. We want to show you how important it is to drive real traffic to an account, a webpage, or an information hub in order to successfully grow your business. We know that LinkedIn has a maximum contact allowance of 30,000. We are going to prove that our system works. Check in periodically with our LinkedIn account and see the progress.
Stay connected with us. Follow our results across our social media platforms. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Get lots of freebies and giveaways when you subscribe. By the way, it’s a free subscription. We are NOT charging for the newsletter and if you pay close attention to what we send out in the newsletter, you’ll quickly realize that we give away all the info and strategies we use. We know the value we bring to the table. It’s about more than having the information. It’s about knowing how to us the information for more than just creating nonsensical noise. As the title of this post says, consultants (the great ones) make sense of nonsense.
Follow our founder George L. Rosario on Instagram for fun and meaningful content. Watch how he takes you from nonsense to real sense, from chaos to clarity, from disorder to order. If you need a speaker for an upcoming event, feel free to go to his linktr.ee and book him directly through there. And stay tuned for the release of several of his books. They’ll be packed with useful tips about business growth, his love for growing ministries and churches, the changing tides of the marketplace, and so much more. #GeorgeTheSpeaker
For our contact information, visit us online at gcrosariogroup.com. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

George L. Rosario is a Brooklyn NY born & raised businessman & entrepreneur turned consultant. He started GC Rosario Group with his lovely wife Claudia. With over 30 years of service to the marketplace in NYC, George has relocated and been graciously adopted by the business community of South Florida. He now travels the country helping businesses and organizations thrive in today’s noisy environment. The post-Covid era forced many to close their doors, but also opened new doors of opportunity, growth and prosperity for innovative thinkers. George & Claudia Rosario help companies, businesses, organizations and teams develop the necessary skillset and plan of action to not just survive, but thrive in this new world. GC Rosario Group helps both secular and Christian based institutions meet their goals.
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