How are you approaching your business? Are you setting big goals? How are you approaching those goals? Do you believe you can achieve them? What is your mindset? Are you going all in? Are you hot, lukewarm, or cold? Do you have your mission and your beliefs well defined? Are you working harder for your own goals than you ever did when you worked for others?
We all have to fight for what we want. Sitting around pretending you are going to manifest There is nothing wrong with going for broke if you define what that means to you. We live in a society in which everyone worth paying attention to is going for broke. But, what “broke” are they going for?
Some people are going for broke for worthy goals; for the glory of God and for the glorification of their God-given assignment (God ordained destiny). They know that when we are done in this lifetime, there is a greater reward than anything we accumulate here. So they don't view money as something they own for their own pleasure, but rather a tool to use to glorify God by doing good for others.
These are folks we need to pay attention to because they give us a human, real life, tangible, concrete, moral and ethical example of what we should do in our own lives. They are the type of people I feel comfortable calling mentors, coaches and teachers. These are positivity driven people. These are the people I work with, study, learn from, grow with and consider true life partners.
Then there are those that are going for broke because they follow worthless goals. These people are proud to be part of the "woke" crowd that follows false ideologies, false idols, negativity driven teachers, and new age gurus who are abandoning morality and goodness for their own gain. They don't consider others in their decisions. Their only goal is to win, at any cost. They are focused on being cool with the masses instead of focusing on time worthy goals. Be careful following folks like these. They don't care about you. They only care about themselves.
The first group of people, the positivity driven group is going for broke for worthy, ethical, moral goals. The second group of people, the negativity driven, victimhood mentality group is going for broke to appease the masses, regardless of how unethical and immoral the goals of the crowd may become. They don't have a firm foundation. They will travel any wave, in any direction, as long as it feeds their own ego and their own selfish desires.
Which group are you prepared to follow?
Intelligent, independent thinking, positive, Kingdom driven people will undoubtedly focus on being a part of the first group of people. They will go for broke, leaving all their cards on the table, putting all their time wasting desires and wants aside for the greater prize; the greater good. These people have skin in the game. They are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to accomplish the assignment God’s placed in their hearts. They believe in something greater than themselves. They believe in welcoming generational wealth, prosperity and blessings into their loves and the lives of their children and their children’s children by working hard (and smart) to achieve Kingdom worthy goals. They follow the example of great, ethical, moral leaders before them. These are LIONS in the midst of sheep.
Then there are the sheep. These are the folks who follow the trends of the present time instead of the proven systems of time. They focus on what will win them the approval of men rather than focusing on gaining God’s approval. They believe in the lie that more social media followers, more applause, more crowd approval, more worthless worldly prizes, more toys, more zeroes behind the first number in their bank account, more titles, more pats in the back, more praise from other men will bring them success and glory.
I want to focus a little on this group. See, if you know who they are, you know who not to follow. If you know the error of their ways, you know what to avoid. If you can identify what eventually made them fall and fail, you can avoid making the same mistakes. Keep in mind that sometimes, the people in this group will seem to have it all. They'll boast about their fame, their finances and their fearlessness. Yet as soon as you dig a little deeper, you discover that their success if wrapped in the deception of others, and sometimes in their own self-deception.
If you close your eyes, you can probably see a clear image of some of these people right now. Some have big celebrity names. Some are at the top of the political realm. Some have fame, crowd clout and boast about themselves and their wins. Yet some are not as famous, not as celebrated, not at the top of society’s elite classes or groups. Some of them may live right next to you. Some may even be in your inner friends and family circle.
May I suggest that you avoid wasting your most valuable commodity, your time on them? Regardless of who they are? Whether they are as close to you as those in your inner circle (friends and family), or as far from your reach as the Oscars and Championship winners, the crowd adored celebrities, the political office holders, and the pop culture idols, avoid them. Stay away from anyone that is more concerned with the applause of others, than they are with doing what's right.
So how can you distinguish between the LIONS and the SHEEP. Learn from ANTS and BEES! Yes, I said ants. Do you know that if lions and sheep went extinct, the world would probably continue moving forward? Did you also know that if we remove all ants and bees from this world, things may fall apart? Why is that? Well, lions are predators and sheep are prey. But ants and bees are builders. They build great big things, bigger than themselves, for the benefit of their whole society. They work diligently, taking risks against all the predators that see them as a quick meal, and all the natural elements that put their lives in danger. Yes, they risk their own lives for the benefit of others. They go all in. They go for broke.
If you are part of a team that operates like the bees and the ants, you may be smaller than others, weaker than others, more vulnerable than others, but your numbers and your members' dedication to each other will carry you through adversity. You could be part of a group of a million sheep. That will not get you anywhere. A million sheep (followers) without the protection and guidance from a real leader (shepherd) are weaker than ants and bees. Now, the lion is strong and cunning. He is fearless and driven. But if you learn anything about lions, learn this. When the leader of the pride, the head lion becomes old or ill, he will immediately be challenged by younger, stronger members of his own pride. So as strong as he is, the lack of lifelong loyalty from his peers makes him vulnerable in his old age. Likewise, if the elder lion is not challenged but dies from natural causes or an unforeseen circumstance, the younger lions will fight each other for control of the pride. This makes a team of lions weaker than a team of ants or bees.
Go for broke my friends. Taking calculated, goal oriented, Kingdom worthy chances will lead to time worthy, investment worthy, sacrifice worthy changes. Taking the right chance will lead to creating the right change.
George L. Rosario is a Brooklyn NY born & raised businessman & entrepreneur turned consultant. He started GC Rosario Group with his lovely wife Claudia. With over 30 years of service to the marketplace in NYC, George has relocated and been graciously adopted by the business community of South Florida. He now travels the country helping businesses and organizations thrive in today’s noisy environment. The post-Covid era forced many to close their doors, but also opened new doors of opportunity, growth and prosperity for innovative thinkers. George & Claudia Rosario help companies, businesses, organizations and teams develop the necessary skillset and plan of action to not just survive, but thrive in this new world. GC Rosario Group helps both secular and Christian based institutions meet their goals.
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