Dear Top Producer,
Here is a letter for you that should encourage you to share more of your knowledge and wisdom with others. Not only has it been rewarding as an act of grace and kindness towards those coming up behind them, but it has increased their social standing and credibility which is often conducive to monetary rewards. Many have turned it into an extra source of income, becoming public speakers and capitalizing on their industry knowledge. Just ask Gary Vaynerchuk aka #GaryVee how that’s served his own success.
Some leaders across diverse fields and industries are afraid to share their knowledge with others because they fear losing their edge. Many believe that teaching others, sharing their systems and strategies with new comers and dreamers, and lifting up new leaders will somehow lessen their own market value. This is not so and I’ll show you why.
Would you rather go to an event where Scott Leslie is speaking, or one where Gary Vaynerchuk is speaking? If you Google Scott Leslie, you will find many different Scott Leslies and you will have to guess which one I’m actually speaking of. Yet if you Google Gary Vaynerchuk, there is only one Gary Vaynerchuk, and you will know exactly who Gary Vee is. Are there any other Gary Vees out there? Yes! One of them is called Scott Leslie. He does exactly what Gary does, but not at the scale that Gary does it.
What made Gary Vaynerchuk a household name? Was it his early video series, including those on WineLibraryTV? I still love episode #734 titled What Wine Pairs With Cereal? Even from his earliest days, Gary Vee shared his knowledge with the world, never worrying that his “competitors” might take some of his secrets and use them to hurt his business. Gary shares, and shares freely. He speaks publicly, sharing all his secrets with those who want to listen, and gives away more free content and more free information than almost any other entrepreneur out there.
So look at this again. Since Gary is always sharing, he is always trending, and therefore Gary Vaynerchuk has become a household name while you still don’t know which Scott Leslie I’m writing about. Gary has also written several books, and sold millions of copies of those books. He’s become the expert of experts for entrepreneurs, and has even appeared on the cover of several magazines and publications, including the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine and is often featured on
Like I said, Gary has shared all of his knowledge in his books. While that’s not exactly giving it away, guess what? I read my very first Gary Vaynerchuk book for free! I would go to Barnes & Noble Union Square in NYC (33 E 17th Street, New York, NY 10003) on my lunch hour, bring a cup of coffee, grab Gary’s book and go to work (mentally). So technically, I got his info for free, minus the cost of the cup of coffee. I fell in love with the info, so much so that I started purchasing them for all the members of my team, and started my own Gary Vaynerchuk book collection. If you are a leader, I recommend you make them recommended reading for your team.
A note to Scott Leslie. If you are reading this wondering if I’m talking about you, it probably is you. I suggest you get in touch with me as soon as possible. I’m a consultant and I can help you develop some of that Gary Vaynerchuk mojo for your own business. I can’t promise you’ll catch up to his royal entrepreneurship highness level, but you can at least stop being such a secret agent that even you have to wonder if I’m talking about you. I guarantee Gary isn’t wondering if I’m talking about him when I spell out his name or hashtags in this blog.
A note to all the Scott Leslie types out there. I’m a consultant that can help you develop a real public persona. Don’t believe me? How about you Google your name right now, and then you Google my name, George L. Rosario? Who has more of an online presence. I’ve done it all with a little elbow grease and literally spending time rather than money to build it. I can help do the same for you. Let’s schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation to see what we can do to help you. Yes, this is a FREE 30 minute consultation via Zoom.
How do we start? Well, we can start by sharing your industry knowledge and wisdom for free. I can show you how to map this out and make it productive for you and your own growth. As the Senior Consultant at GC Rosario Group, I’ve done this for top C-Level professionals, and entre level entrepreneurs and startups. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to be at the top of your industry. All you have to do is share your brain with those who will listen. Hey, you read until the end of this blog, so sharing your brain actually works.
Want to start this now? Schedule your FREE 30 MINUTE CONSULTATION right now. Spots are limited of course so get on it now, not later. We’ve procrastinated enough, no? Let’s talk about it.

George L. Rosario is a Brooklyn NY born & raised businessman & entrepreneur turned consultant. He started GC Rosario Group with his lovely wife Claudia. With over 30 years of service to the marketplace in NYC, George has relocated and been graciously adopted by the business community of South Florida. He now travels the country helping businesses and organizations thrive in today’s noisy environment. The post-Covid era forced many to close their doors, but also opened new doors of opportunity, growth and prosperity for innovative thinkers. George & Claudia Rosario help companies, businesses, organizations and teams develop the necessary skillset and plan of action to not just survive, but thrive in this new world. GC Rosario Group helps both secular and Christian based institutions meet their goals.
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