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Showing posts from January, 2022

10 Things To Do Better With Your $ MONEY $

  1. Find Unnecessary Things To Cut Out Of Your Monthly Budget ‘Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.’  Hebrews 12:1 Many people struggle financially b e cause they waste money on unnecessary things. I met with a Pastor that was struggling to meet the church’s financial responsibilities. It was a fairly large church with great attendance and at first glance, one would wonder why it was so hard for them to pay their bills without struggling. I mean, when I went to the parking lot during their busiest service, I noticed quite a few cars that are nicer than mine. But when I peeled back the layers of their financial onion, I noticed what was actually making their finances cry. The church was dripping money into so many unnecessary monthly and yearly expenses that it would need to almost double their membership ...

Give It All Away… It Won’t Hurt You

Dear Top Producer, Here is a letter for you that should encourage you to share more of y o ur knowledge and wisdom with others. Not only has it been rewarding as an act of grace and kindness towards those coming up behind them, but it has increased their social standing and credibility which is often conducive to monetary rewards. Many have turned it into an extra source of income, becoming public speakers and capitalizing on their industry knowledge. Just ask Gary Vaynerchuk aka #GaryVee how that’s served his own success. Some leaders across diverse fields and industries are afraid to share their knowledge with others because they fear losing their edge. Many believe that teaching others, sharing their systems and strategies with new comers and dreamers, and lifting up new leaders will somehow lessen their own market value. This is not so and I’ll show you why. Would you rather go to an event where Scott Leslie is speaking, or one where Gary Vaynerchuk is speaking? If you Google Scott...

Even Frozen Iguanas Can Come Back to Life!

  My first year as a Floridian has been a rather interesting one. Prior to moving here, al l  I knew about Florida was Tampa, Orlando, Disney and Miami. I knew nothing about Palm Beach County (the area I moved to). I heard of Fort Lauderdale but other than landing at Fort Lauderdale 3 times in my speaking career, spending 1 day each time for the speaking engagement, and then flying right back out the next day, I knew absolutely nothing about FTL. I didn’t know how beautiful Boca Raton and Delray Beach are. I never visited Naples, and the only Naples I knew about was in Italy. Long story short, I knew nothing about Florida outside of the 3 areas I frequented the most. I’ve visited Miami many times throughout my speaking career, and for Business Consulting purposes. I’ve worked with many of the companies that were expanding to Miami in the turn of the century, and probably visited Miami well over 50 times from 2000 to 2019. I never took the rental outside of the South Miami (So...

The Art of Saying Less. Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

  Have you ever come across a person in your life who simply doesn’t know when   to stop talking? In the sales business, these are the people who talk past the sale, and often put their own foot in their mouth and kill the deal. In the business world, these are the people who give away all the secrets, and are left with no leverage during negotiations. In dating, these are the people who talk themselves right out of a second date. In growth, these are the people who are so busy listening to themselves talk that they leave no room to learn something new. After working with people and teams for decades, I’ve learned something interesting about most individuals. Many of us (yes, I included myself in there) love to talk about ourselves when in social environments. I’ve noticed that even introverts can be guilty of this once you get them going. They say too much. When I first started working with the public, I ran into a trap that many new customer service, outreach, professional s...