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Showing posts from April, 2022

What is Content Marketing And Why Does It Matter?

What is content marketing? Oxford defines it as "a type of marketing that involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, vlogs, white papers, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services." Content marketing if a form of communication that shares informational or entertaining content that is interesting, relevant, useful and shareable to your target audience. We will be discussing the difference between informational content marketing and entertaining content marketing later in this blog post. We'll also discuss the sweet spot when your content becomes both informational and entertaining. Let's first we'll take a quick look at the four forms of content marketing. Written Word These are blogs (like the one you are reading right now), print ads, articles, white pages, books, booklettes, pamphlets, websites, etc. The written word is still a great way to ...

Are You Going For Broke? Chances (Risks) Create Change (Progress).

How are you approaching your business? Are you setting big goals? How are you approaching those goals? Do you believe you can achieve them? What is your mindset? Are you going all in? Are you hot, lukewarm, or cold? Do you have your mission and your beliefs well defined? Are you working harder for your own goals than you ever did when you worked for others? We all have to fight for what we want. Sitting around pretending you are going to manifest There is nothing wrong with going for broke if you define what that means to you. We live in a society in which everyone worth paying attention to is going for broke. But, what “broke” are they going for? Some people are going for broke for worthy goals; for the glory of God and for the glorification of their God-given assignment (God ordained destiny). They know that when we are done in this lifetime, there is a greater reward than anything we accumulate here. So they don't view money as something they own for their own pleasure, but rath...

Storytelling vs Story-selling: 7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Masterful Storyseller

Story-selling is an art. It can help you strategically grow an online information based business from the comfort of, well, just about anywhere. You can also use story-selling as a way to build other businesses, gain brand recognition, establish yourself as an industry expert, become a public speaker, and so much more. Story-selling takes your content marketing and copywriting to the next level, supercharging your sales capability. Storyselling gets people to take action. So what is the difference between story-selling and storytelling? Anyone in this world can be a storyteller. I'm sure if you think about it, you can tell me who in your family is a storyteller. Is it an uncle, and aunt, mom or dad, a cousin, a sibling, grandparents, in-laws? I'm sure you can tell me about one or two occasions when this person spent an hour or two telling stories about the past, or about events they witnessed, and sometimes they tell stories that are so far-fetched that they cannot be true. Tel...